National seminar at LUMSA University: AB AQUA: why a Think Tank on blue gold?

Roberto Natali e Filippo Verre - March 7, 2022

Two events dedicated to UniLUMSA students with the aim of exploring the theme of Hydro-strategy according to AB AQUA, starting from the concept of “Think Tank” up to the sharing of case studies on the topic.

The first event took place on March 7, 2022 – “AB AQUA: why a Think Tank on blue gold?” – with the opening of the session by Professor Emeritus Giuseppe Ignesti in History of International Relations. The AB AQUA presentation was carried out by speakers Dr. Filippo Verre and Dr. Roberto Natali, Founders and Scientific Directors of the group, addressing a large audience of students in the classroom and connected via the web.

The starting point was the discussion on the different perception of the value of water in relation to its scarcity in different areas of the world. The main themes of this first session also concerned the definition of the Think Tank as an organization, its advantages and the contribution it can bring to political life. Space was also left to the Italian panorama and its organizations that approach this model, up to an in-depth analysis of the structure of AB AQUA - hydrostrategy think tank and the socio-economic and political strands to which it is dedicated.

The session ended with the sharing by Dr. Vito Montesano, Communication & Social Media Manager for AB AQUA, of the multimedia resources available on the website: On the page, in the Contents section, there are the reports and papers dedicated to the world of hydrostrategy created by the Hydrostrategic Studies Center. In addition, on the social channels Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter of AB AQUA all the news and the preview of the new published studies are shared.

The event was organized by the Cenacolo di Studi Diplomatici e Internazionali in collaboration with the Master's Degree in International Relations, the Germany-Italy-Europe Observatory (OGIE) and the Master Experts in Politics and International Relations of the LUMSA Master School.

>> Further details on the event: Ab Aqua: why a think tank on Blue Gold? | LUMSA University of Rome

The content presented during the event can be found at the following link: