Journalist interview on the Osservatore Romano

Filippo Verre - March 22, 2024

On March 22, 2024, on the occasion of World Water Day, Dr. Filippo Verre, co-founder and president of AB AQUA, was interviewed by Valerio Palombaro, a journalist from the Osservatore Romano. The interview resulted in an in-depth article entitled: "Water: From an instrument of offense to an element of union", which explored the crucial role of water in international relations, highlighting how this resource can become both an instrument of conflict and an opportunity for global cooperation.

During the interview, Dr. Verre highlighted how water, historically at the center of disputes and tensions between nations, is today taking on an unprecedented strategic value. "We live in an era in which water can no longer be seen only as a natural resource. It has become a true strategic asset, capable of fueling geopolitical tensions or fostering dialogue between states", said Filippo Verre. Through the work of AB AQUA, Dr. Verre explained how it is possible to transform water from an instrument of offense, used in the past to exert power or pressure, to an element of union, capable of promoting cooperation and peace.

Dr. Verre shared some concrete examples where AB AQUA has carried out in-depth studies on the concept of hydro-strategy in sensitive regions such as the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. He also illustrated how innovative technologies, such as desalination powered by renewable energy, water production through the exploitation of air humidity and artificial intelligence techniques to reduce losses in aqueducts are revolutionizing water management. These tools not only improve the efficiency of distribution, but also prevent crises related to water scarcity, creating the basis for stronger international cooperation.

The article in the Osservatore Romano, born from the interview, highlighted how water, a fundamental resource for life, can be rethought and managed not only to avoid conflicts, but to build bridges of peace and cooperation between peoples, in line with AB AQUA's mission to promote sustainable and shared water management.

You can read the article at the following link: