Chief Executive Course presso la SIOI
Filippo Verre - July 11, 12, 13, 2024

From 11th to 13th July 2024, the Chief Executive Course entitled AQUA NEXUS: Water Strategy, Environmental Sustainability, and International Cooperation, held by Dr. Filippo Verre, president of AB AQUA, took place at SIOI (Italian Society for International Organization). This course represents a unique event in the Italian training landscape, filling an important gap in a strategic sector at a global level, but still little addressed in an integrated and in-depth way in Italy.
The importance of the Course
Water is a crucial and increasingly scarce resource, whose impact goes far beyond the simple availability of water supply. The course highlighted the concept of Aqua Nexus, i.e. the interconnection between water resource management, environmental sustainability and international cooperation. Through a multidisciplinary approach, Filippo Verre guided participants on a journey aimed at understanding the dynamics that link water to fundamental sectors such as energy, agriculture, economic development and international geopolitics.
In Italy, the training offer specifically dedicated to these topics was so far limited, especially at the level of training for managers and leaders. SIOI has therefore seized the opportunity to offer, thanks to this course, an unprecedented opportunity to train professionals and decision makers on the most advanced strategies to address global challenges related to water resources management. Participants, coming from public, private and international sectors, have had the opportunity to acquire skills that were previously difficult to find in the Italian context.

Roberto Natali - cofondatore e direttore scientifico di AB AQUA

Locandina dell'evento
Key Activities and Topics
Strategic Water Management
During the three days, strategic water management was given ample space, with a focus on how to plan and manage resources sustainably in a context characterized by increasing pressures, including climate change, drought, pollution and growing demand. Verre illustrated several international case studies, demonstrating how water management is a key component for global stability and security.
Environmental Sustainability
Another pillar of the course was the topic of environmental sustainability, with a focus on how businesses and governments can integrate sustainable practices into water management. Participants examined the effects of inefficient water use and uncoordinated water policies, while exploring innovative solutions and technologies to improve water conservation.
International Cooperation
Finally, the course addressed international cooperation as an essential tool to resolve tensions related to access to water, particularly in geographical areas where water resources are shared between multiple nations. Verre discussed successful examples of international treaties and diplomatic negotiations that have led to joint management of water resources in critical regions such as the Middle East and North Africa.

Alcuni partecipanti al corso in un momento di pausa

Veduta interna del cortile di Palazzetto Venezia, sede della SIOI
A unique, multidisciplinary training course in Italy
This Chief Executive Course was a pioneering training initiative in Italy, responding to the growing need for greater awareness and expertise in the field of water management, environmental sustainability and international cooperation. Filippo Verre brought to the course not only his practical experience, but also a global strategic vision that was missing in the Italian educational landscape.
The absence of similar courses in Italy to date has made this initiative even more significant, paving the way for a new generation of leaders who will be able to address water challenges with a more conscious and sustainable approach.
At this link, it is possible to consult the course's details directly on the SIOI website:
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